Site Investigations

T M Ventham Practice has a clear awareness of the range of ground condition issues that can impact upon any development project.


We are able to quickly assess the range of potential hazards that could influence the development of any site. We are able to implement a wide range of investigative measures to obtain the information required. This then enables us to properly advise our clients and to devise the most cost effective foundation solutions.

Site Investigation methods T M Ventham Practice use:

Risk Awareness
• Past Mine workings
• Past Quarrying
• Underground Services
• Deep sewers or culverts
• Shrinkable or desiccated clay
• Unsuitable silts or sands around water

Non-Invasive Research
• Geological Maps
• Historic Use Maps
• Mining Reports
• Enquiries to all service providers

Invasive Investigation
• Trial Pits
• Boreholes
• Soil samples and analysis
• Ground water samples and analysis
• Asbestos reports

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  Healthy Foundations  

Nailsea Health Centre Constructed on land affected by past mine workings, this was a lot of building to get onto a little site and needed a lot of detailed site investigations.